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Welcome Members
Welcome New BBC Members!

Joining or Renewing a Membership

Individual and Household Membership is annual and expires on the 31 March. Membership is $35 for an individual and $50 for a household.

  • New Members

Select here to join online, or print the Membership Form and mail it with your check to the address on the form

  • Renewing Members

Log into the BBC website and select Renew when prompted or click the menu below your name in the upper right corner. Please use this opportunity to check your Profile is up to date, especially Emergency Contact information

BBC promotes safe and courteous riding. New and renewing members are requested to (re) familiarize with the BBC Rider Safety Responsibilities


Ride and Socialize!

  • We have a very large number of tried and tested routesall available as Ride with GPS routes. Rides start from various locations in and around Madison
  • Whether your pace is social or fast we have rides for you, all with plenty of opportunities to make new friends 
  • Our outdoor ride schedule is Apr to Nov with scheduled rides on Thursday evenings and Saturday, Sunday and Monday mornings
    • Monday morning rides are a chill pace and riders enjoy a picnic lunch following the ride
    • Thursday evening rides are whatever pace suits you and relax afterwards with a get together at a local restaurant
    • Saturday morning rides are a social chill pace ride with a coffee stop along the way or at the end
    • Sunday morning rides tend to be hillier providing an opportunity to push your comfort zone, or whatever works for you
  • During winter, we have scheduled Zwift Rides at 6 pm on Wed evening and 9 am on Sat and Sun mornings
  • Annual supported century ride, the Wright Stuff Century
  • BBC subscription comes with a full-featured Ride with GPS Club membership  
  • The Club offers BCETSa 15 week series of early season training rides for hilly endurance events such as Horribly Hilly Hundreds
  • The ride schedule aims for peak performance at the Horribly Hilly Hundreds (HHH) in June. The program is also suited to riders who want to improve their climbing skills, endurance and overall fitness, regardless of participation in a challenge event
Other Benefits
  • Paid up members involved in an accident while on a Club ride have liability insurance with the League of American Bicyclists. Coverage is limited to medical bills on an excess basis and third party claims of bodily injury and property damage up to a fixed amount
  • Two hard shell bike cases are available for member travel. To reserve, email your dates to
  • BBC Cycling Kit and other Merchandise
  • Discount at local bike shops. Mention Bombay Bicycle Club
  • Cycling related Blog articles
  • An active Facebook page
  • Spring and fall Member Meetings with club updates, guest speakers and club provided food and refreshments

Getting Involved

In addition to enjoying great rides and social events with the Club, there are other ways you can consider getting involved. If you'd like to help lead rides, select here. If you're interested in volunteering to help at events or have a talent or ideas you'd like to share, please send an email to Thanks!

Please send Membership questions to